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2016 GPAS International conference

조회수 : 6790


2017 GPAS International Conference


Development of Special Economic Zone in Russia

and Economic Cooperation between Korea and Russia



February 10, 2017 (Friday)

Opening Ceremony

Eom, Gu Ho (Dean, Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University)



Strategies for Development of Russia`s Special Economic Zones and Economic Cooperation between Russia and South Korea


Eom, Gu Ho (Dean, Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University)


ZAKHAROVA, Liudmila (Senior Researcher, Center for Korean Studies, institute for Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
'Problems and Prospects of Special Economic Zones in Russia.' 

YOON, Sungwook
(Professor, Dong-A University)

'An Appropriate Incentive System for Domestic and Foreign Investors in Korean SEZs'

 (Senior Research Fellow, the Middle East Center, Russian Intitute for Strategic Studies)

: 'SEZ as a method to Raise FDI Attraction in the Russian Far East.'

BYUN, Hyunsub (HK Research Proffesor, APRC, Hanyang University)
: 'The SEZ Designation Process: A Compatison of RUSSEZ and KFEZ.'




Eom, Gu Ho (Dean, Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University)


KANG, Meang Gu (Economist, KDB Research Institute)

Kim, Yong Jin
(HK Research Professor, APRC, Hangyang University)

Lee, Sang Joon (Direntor, Institute of Eurassian Studies, Kookmin University)

Kim, Jeong Ki
(Senior Research Fellow, APRC, Hanyang University)


