학술활동         국제학술회의

2015 GPAS 국제학술회의

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 4236


2015 GPAS International Conference


China's Onc Belt One Road Initiative, Russia's New Eastern

Policy, Eurasian Economic Union, and the Eurasia Initiative



February 17, 2016 (Wednesday)

Opening Ceremony

Eom, Gu Ho (Director, Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University)


Session I 

Bridging South Korea's Eurasian Strategy with China's  'One Belt One Road' Plan


Moon, Heungho (Dean, Graduate School of International Studies /
                               Director, Institue of Chinese Studies, Hanyang University)


Gong, Keyu (Professor, Shanghai Institute for International Studies) : China's 'One Belt One Road' Strategy and South Korea's 'Eurasia Initiative' : Political Obstacles and Solutions 

Zheng, Jiyong
(Dean, Center for Korean Studies, Fudan University) :
China's 'One Belt One Road' Initiative and Its Implications on North Korea 

Min, Kwisik
 (Professor, the Dept. of Chinese Studies of GSIS, Hanyang University)
 Co-prosperity Networking in East Asia and Peace Building in the Korean Peninsula


Kim, Jaecheol (The Catholic University of Korea)
Kang, Taeho
(The Hankyoreh Newspaper)
Kim, Si Joong (GSIS, Sogang University)


Session Ⅱ 

Russia, Korea, and Central Asia in Eurasian Economic Integration


Ko, Jae Nam (Korea National Diplomatic Academy)


Gubin, Andrey (Head of Asia-Pacific Reginal Center, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies) :  Russia and Republic of Korea as Potential Strategic Partners: Political and Security Dimensions of Respective Eurasian Pilicies

Svedentsov, Vladimir 
(Senior Research Fellow, the Middle East Center, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies) : Eurasian Integration Projects: New Challenges and Oppertunities amid the Global Economic Crisis

Khon, Yevgeniy (Head of the Department of Economic Studies, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan) : Kazakhstan in the Integration Processes: Role of the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt 

Byun, Hyunsub
(HK Reasearch Professor, Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University) :
Russia's Industrial Policy and Korea-Russia Industral Cooperation in the Era of Eurasian Integration 


Shu, Dong Joo (Institute for National Security Strategy)
Lee, Sang Joon
(Kookmin University)
Kim, Youngjin (Hanyang University)
Kang, Meang Gu (KDB Research Institute)


