학술활동         국제학술회의

제8차 중앙아시아 국제학술대회

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 5411

[제8차 중앙아아시아 국제학술대회]

'Strategic Cooperation between Republic of Korea and

the Kyrgyz Republic in the Era of Eurasia'





 엄구호 (한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 소장)
 SULTANOV, Talant (Director, National Institute for Strategic Studies, the Kyrgyz Republic)

축  사

 MAMADALIEV, Melis (Charge d' affaires of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Korea)


Session I : Ways of Strategic Cooperation between Economies of Korea and Kyrgyzstan in the Dynamics of Eurasian Intergration


 KARPOVICH, Evgeniia
(Research Officer, National Institute for Strategic Studies of the Kyrgyz Republic)
 'Opportunities of the Korean Technologies in the Kyrgyz Republic' 

(한양대 교수)
 'The Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union and Kyrgyzstan's Industrial Policy Response'

(국민대 교수)
 'Current Status and Prospect of Economic Cooperation between Korea and Kyrgyz Republic' 



 김상원 (국민대 교수)
(한양대 HK교수)
 박지원 (KOTRA 연구원 )


Session Ⅱ : Ways of Potential Collaboration between Korea and Kyrgyzstan in Sociopolitical Development


(Director, National Institute for Strategic Studies, the Kyrgyz Republic)
 'Development of Parliamentary Democracy in Kyrgyzstan: Lessons and Prospects' 

(한국외대 중앙아연구소 연구교수)
 'Evaluation and Prospect of the Diplomatic Realtions between the Republic of Korea and the Kyrgyz Republic' 

(한국외대 교수)
 'Task for the Cultural Cooperation between Korea and Kyrgyzstan' 



 고재남 (국립외교원 교수)
 강봉구 (한양대 아태지역연구센터 HK교수)
 박영은 (한양대 아태지역연구센터 HK교수)


