학술활동         국제학술회의


조회수 : 3986


dedicated to

The 25th Annversary of Independence of Turkmenistan]


25  Years of Independence of Turkmenistan:

The Role of the Turkmen-Korean Partnership in the Success

and Achievements of the Country



Session I

25 Years of Independence of Turkmenistan: Success and Achievements of the Country and Diplomatic Relations with the Republic of Korea


Esen Aydogdyev(Rector of International Univ. of Humanities and Development) : 25 Years of Independence: The Progress and Achievements of Turkmenistan.pdf_icon.gif
Jae Nam KO(Professor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy) : The Policy of Neutrality of Turkmenistan and Diplomatic Cooperation between Korea and Turkmenistan.


Session Ⅱ

Development of Cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea


Young Kwan JO(Research Fellow, Overseas Economic Research Institute, The Expert-Import Bak of Korea) : Turkmenistan's Economic Development Strategy and Measures for Economic Cooperation between Turkmenistan and South Korea.
Seong- Hak YOON(Research Professor, Institute of Russia-CIS Studies, Korea University) : Economic Cooperation between Korea and Turkmenistan and Measures for Future Development.
Murat O. Mammetalyyev(Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Respublic of Korea) : Achievements and Prospects of the Relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea.pdf_icon.gif
