학술활동         국제학술회의

2016 한-우즈베키스탄 세미나

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 3450

[2016 Korea-Uzbekistan Seminar]


The Upcoming Presidential Election in Uzbekistan and

Future of Bilateral Relations between Korea and Uzbekistan



Session I

Special Speech in the Upcoming Presidential Election in Uzbekistan


H.E. Botirjon ASADOV(Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Korea) : Presidential Elections in Uzbekistan: Future of Bilateral Relations with South Korea.


Session Ⅱ

Prospect for the Korea-Uzbekistan Relations after the Uzbekistan's Presidential Election


Dong Ki SUNG(Research Professor, Center of Institutional Studies, Inha University) : Analysis on Prerequisites for a New Leap of the Korea-Uzbekistan Relationship
Sung Hak YOON(Research Professor, Institute of Russia-CIS Studies, Korea University) : The Success of the Surgil  Project and Measures for Future Development


