학술활동         국제학술회의

The 28th APRC-IFES International Conference

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 4337

[The 28th APRC-IFES nternational Conference]


Joint Efforts between Russia and South Korea

for a 'Greater Eurasia'



Session I

Connectivity between OBOR, EEC and Eurasian Intiative


HONG, Wan Suk (President, Korean Association of Slavic-Eurasian Studies)


SUSLINA, Svetlana(Professor, MGIMO & Chief researcher, IFES) : Russia-ROC Economic Cooperation and the Eurasian Strategy
EOM, Gu Ho(Director, APRC, Hanyang University): Grand Design for National Development of Russia, China and South Korea and Strategies for Multilateral Cooperation between Them
LEE, Jae Young (Vice President, KIEP) & NA, Hee Seung (Chief Researcher, Korea Railroad Research Institute) :Connecting South Korea’s ‘Eurasian Initiative’ to the Russia-China-Mongolia Economic Corridor


KIM, Young Jin(HK Professor, APRC, Hanyang University)
PARK, Ji Won(Research Fellow, KOTRA)
HYUN, Seungsoo(Research Fellow, Korea Institute for National Unification)


Session Ⅱ

South Korea-Russia Cooperation for the Development for the Russian Far East


CHANG, Duckjoon (Professor, Kookmin University)


KIM, En Un(Leading Researcher, IFES, RAS) : Partnership between Russia and the Republic of Korea: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects
BYUN, Hyunsub(HK Research Professor, APRC, Hanyang University) : Analysis on Achievements of the Russia’s SEZs and Their Implications on the Territories of Priority Development
LEE, Sang Joon (Director, Institute of Eurasian Studies, Kookmin University) : Measures to Facilitate South Korean Firms’ Entry into the Territories of Priority Development in The Russian Far East


SUNG, Won-Yong (Professor, Incheon National University)
JO, Young-Kwan(Researcher, The Export-Import Bank of Korea)
KIM, Youngsik (Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University)


Session III

Changing Order in Northeast Asia and Diplomatic and Security Cooperation Between Russia and South Korea


EOM, Gu Ho (Director, APRC, Hanyang University)


ZHEBIN, Alexander(Director, Center for Korean Studies, IFES, RAS) : NEA Security Developments and Prospects for the Solution for the DPRK’s Nuclear & Missile Programs
KO, Jae Nam(Professor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy) : President Park Geun-hye’s Visit to Vladivostok: Achievements and Future Task
SUH, Dong Joo (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of National Security Strategy) : Changing Security Order in Northeast Asia and Strategic Cooperation between South Korea and Russia


MOON, Heungho (Director, Institute for Chinese Studies, Hanyang University)
HONG, Hyun-ik(Senior Research Fellow, The Sejong Institute)
KANG, Bong Koo (HK Professor, APRC, Hanyang University)

